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Announcing My New Writing Project

Happy Monday, and Happy Labor Day for those of you in the U.S.A. I hope you had/are having a great weekend. Thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Houston and southeastern Texas, as well as with the people of Florida.

While I am querying Susannah's Gifts to various literary agents and publishing houses, I am starting a new novel. I'm currently working on character sketches and I hope to start outlining the plot soon.

The working title is Wonderland's Drugstore. So far, it's about a pharmacist who discovers, and then tracks down, the person who killed his wife in a hit-and-run accident. The killer, of course, will keep the pharmacist busy with a series of diversions. The pharmacist will receive help from the local roller derby team, and he will learn to love again through a relationship with one of the players. He will also receive aid and support from his daughter, who developed Dissociative Identity Disorder (the so-called Sybil complex) in the wake of her mom's wreck.

While the novel will be Southern Gothic, overall, I've yet to decide if it will be a thriller or a suspense novel. As you can see from the title, the new project is inspired by Alice In Wonderland, and by the absurdity one often runs into when working in a pharmacy.

So, there you go. I'll try to do better with the blogging. I need to get back to at least every other Monday. I'll keep y'all informed on my writing projects. Take care.

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